I am deeply indebted to Jan Zeitlin and Alexandra May for collaboration and our deep dives into “Textile Camp.” A time to be together to share ideas and work on our projects and also to critique and discuss what the essence of this work is for us at the moment . . . whatever that moment is. We have been able to share great joy and discovery doing dyeing, spinning, pattern making and sewing as well as weaving a friendship over decades. It has been a time of serendipitous encounters and inspiration. The photo (right) of the flags Jan and I encountered on a walk confirmed the magic of the found object, the affirmation of being in the right place at the right time. More photos of Textile Camp in the slideshow below.

On life’s journey there are countless people who join us on our path, opening new doors for us, supporting us, influencing us, inspiring us and propelling us to places we couldn’t be without them. Some of my great teachers, friends and family are no longer living, but they live on inside me. I am grateful for all who make my life richer by their love and support. For John Souza, my deepest gratitude for your photography, and our life together, and for my children and grandchildren, my greatest teachers.
This initial tribute will be added to over time as there are so many others who have graced my life, some for a day and some for a lifetime.