The intention of this program was to bring the community together around storytelling and the sacred nature of cloth and mending, and why this is relevant in today’s world for the preservation of the environment. Both Mending as Metaphor and The Possibility Project embrace the idea of having “enough” and not discarding but enhancing and repairing to embrace the perfect within the imperfect.
More notes after the images!
Mending as Metaphor Presentation with Kim Pearce and Kath Davis of The Possibility Project
Ojai Foundation, Ojai CA
Sunday, July 16th, 2017

Kim Pearce and Kath Davis of The Possibility Project joined our Circle and shared their views and thoughts on community building and their project in Jaipur with I-India.
In their own words, “The Possibility Project is a social enterprise dedicated to disrupting mindsets into creating possibility. Slumwear108 is one way in which we deliver this mindset shift. In collaboration with I-India Jaipur, we create beautiful products out of nothing and every-thing.” To read more about the project please visit Slumwear108.
Kath and Kim were also in LA, where we hosted a pop-up shop to present the upcycled Slumwear108 clothing line. In addition, we screened Landfill Harmonic at the Helms Bakery District in Culver City.